Prepare yourself for the unusual with The Hendrick’s Lecture Series at The Last Tuesday Society, a ‘Pataphysical organization founded by William James at Harvard in the 1870s. The Society is presently run by The Chancellor, Mr.Viktor Wynd and the Tribune, Suzette Field with the aid of The Fellows of The Society. It is devoted to exploring and furthering the esoteric, literary and artistic aspects of life in London and beyond.
With Caroline Warman
Marquis de Sade, now famous as a writer of horrifically cruel and exceedingly embarrassing pornography, was imprisoned for a total of 27 years under three completely different forms of government - in the last years of Louis XVI’s reign, during the Revolution, and under Napoleon. What was he imprisoned for? He never had a trial, so he never knew. Caroline Warman will introduce you to the man, his writings and his context, and explore how his work resisted and played out the violence imposed on him by the establishment.
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With Robert Marbury
Robert Marbury is one of the founders of the Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists. A vegan taxidermist, Robert Marbury documents the existence of little known wild and feral plush animals inhabiting our urban environments. With tongue firmly in cheek, through his Urban Beast Project, Marbury hopes to garner attention and general concern for the plight of such strange creatures. As he describes on his webpage: while most of the Urban Beasts exhibited on his site "have met the end of their species, it is our hope that with exposure and attention many other Beasts will be saved." His talk will touch on image sharing, legal limitations, collecting, renewed interest in gaff and travel taxidermy as well as death and the impulse to make contact. Click here to listen to the podcast
With Ian Kelly
Ian Kelly will talk on the subject of his recently published biography: the audacious Samuel Foote. The one-legged dandy was a mesmerizing actor, as well as a notorious wit, comic, and sexual deviant. Foote's life was pervaded by scandal from the start as his first fortune was inherited when one uncle murdered another, and the plotting and scheming continued from there. Foote inherited this feisty nature and was notorious for his fickle habits: whether it be marrying for money then mistreating this wife, or quarreling with other actors and causing riots, Foote ensured the drama of the theater and whimsy of the dandy were both a constant presence in his life. Click here to listen to the podcast
With Paul Craddock
William John Bankes was an explorer, Egyptologist and adventurer who during the nineteenth century, travelled extensively to the Near East and Egypt, making an impressive collection of Egyptian artifacts. His massive portfolio of notes, manuscripts and drawings produced and collected during his travels along the Nile with explorations in Egypt provide the only historical record of some inscriptions and monuments.
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With Patrick Ffrench
Cinema conjures its magically moving bodies at the cost of a mechanical decomposition of the body into what looks like a series of instantaneous spasms. It gives birth to a species of automata. In this lecture Patrick Ffrench will explore the implications of this extraordinary violence across various 20th-century literary, cinematic and analytic symptoms.
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With Gemma Angel
The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw an explosion in academic interest in the tattoo. Tattoos played a significant role in medico-legal research across a wide range of disciplines, notably forensic medicine, criminology, anthropology and psychiatry. Whilst many scholars collected data on tattooing in the form of drawings and occasionally through photography, tattooed skins where also harvested. These historic collections now reside in a number of museums and archives across Europe.
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With Sam Alberti
This book is concerned with the macabre work of pathologists as they dismembered corpses and preserved them: transforming bodies into material culture. The fragmented body parts followed complex paths - harvested from hospital wards, given to one of many prestigious institutions, or dispersed at auction. Human remains acquired new meanings as they were exchanged and were then reintegrated into museums as physical maps of disease. On shelves curators juxtaposed organic remains with paintings, photographs, and models, and rendered them legible with extensive catalogues that were intended to standardize the museum experience. And yet visitors refused to be policed, responding equally with wonder and disgust.
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With Anne Sebba
William John Bankes was an explorer, Egyptologist and adventurer who during the nineteenth century, travelled extensively to the Near East and Egypt, making an impressive collection of Egyptian artifacts. His massive portfolio of notes, manuscripts and drawings produced and collected during his travels along the Nile with explorations in Egypt provide the only historical record of some inscriptions and monuments.
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WILDE, COWARD & TENNANT -Three Decadent Lives
With Philip Hoare Philip Hoare will be taking a personal look at the image of decadence, as mediated by three figures: Oscar Wilde, Noel Coward, and Stephen Tennant. He'll look at how these three men - each dandies in their own eras - both embodied and used the concept of decadence - either to promote, or even to disguise, their identities. Click here to listen to the podcast
With James Putnam
Artist, writer and curator James Putnam unwraps hair-raising facts about natural and man-made mummies! Here is a look that would appeal to anyone with a curiosity about this occasionally macabre subject - how bodies were prepared, why ancient cultures made mummies, and how bog and ice mummies were preserved by freak climatic conditions.
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with Dr Julie Anderson Any visitor to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London is drawn to the skeleton of Charles Byrne. At the back of the rows of attractively lit glass cabinets, Byrne’s skeleton looms high over the viewer, his skull typical of the condition of acromegaly, a result of a greatly enlarged pituitary gland, caused by a tumour responsible for his gigantic stature. His presence there is still a subject of much controversy, as Byrne did not give permission for his skeleton to be preserved. This talk explores the relationships between giants, anatomists and others who sought to make money from the body of a deceased giant in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Click here to listen to the podcast
with Sharon-Michi Kusunoki Best known as a patron, Edward James' collection was diverse. However it is without a doubt that his greatest commitment was to the art of the surrealists: Leonora Carrington, Leonor Fini, René Magritte and Salvador Dalí, the first 'surrealist' he supported on a grand scale. One of the rare few who chose to build surrealism, James created, with the passion of an artist and phenomenal imagination, some of the most successful and harmonious examples of fantasy architecture and interior decoration of the 1930s - a hybrid, one might say, of the theatrical and the surrealist states of the marvellous. Click here to listen to the podcast
CECIL BEATON - Malice in Wonderland
with Hugh Vickers Cecil Beaton moved easily through the world of mid-20th-century celebrity, photographing, caricaturing and sleeping with the people he met along the way. What was his secret? Hugo Vickers thinks he produced a kind of magic and in his lecture will examine exactly how. Not only did he photograph most of the interesting, alluring and important people of the 20th century, but he made them look stunning. But there was more. He was a traveller, arbiter of taste and fashion, war photographer, painter and exceptionally wicked caricaturist. He was able to mix with actors, painters, musicians, film stars, society figures and, later in life, the wilder representatives of the so-called "Peacock Revolution" of the 1960s. He managed to elevate himself from being a star-struck young man gazing at his idols in the street to a favoured guest at their tables...
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with Carol Mavor In 2008 Grayson Perry proclaimed Carol Mavor’s book, Reading Boyishly as his book of the year. He described her meditation on boyhood not only as “a thrilling mix of philosophy, photography, and biography,” but as a piece that touches upon “what it is to be a creative man.” Carol accomplishes this feat by investigating the lives of four famous boyish men and one boy —J. M. Barrie, Roland Barthes, Marcel Proust, D. W. Winnicott, and the young photographer Jacques Henri Lartigue. As paintings from the famous boyish artist, Stephen Tennant, adorn the walls of the gallery, Carol will once again romp through the lives of these famous men weaving an intricate tapestry of Oedipal desire, maternal attachment and nostalgia...
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with Catharine Arnold If Paris is the city of love, then London is the city of lust. For over a thousand years, England's capital has been associated with desire, avarice and the sins of the flesh. Richard of Devises, a monk writing in 1180, warned that 'every quarter [of the city] abounds in great obscenities'. As early as the second century AD, London was notorious for its raucous festivities and disorderly houses, and throughout the centuries the bawdy side of life has taken easy root and flourished. Award-winning popular historian Catharine Arnold turns her gaze to the city's relationship with vice through the ages...
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with Henry Hemming The English eccentric is under threat. In our increasingly homogenised society, these celebrated parts of our national identity are anomalies that may soon no longer fit. Or so it seems. Henry Hemming will describe his thought-provoking quest to discover
the most eccentric English person alive today, unearthing a surprisingly large array of playfully outspoken, original and inspiring characters...
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with Selina Hastings Evelyn Waugh and Nancy Mitford:A Literary Correspondence Course describes the pupil/teacher relationship that existed for almost fifteen years between Evelyn Waugh (the teacher) and Nancy Mitford (the pupil). Their friendship endured much longer, but this particular aspect of it, charming, comic and frequently contentious, existed while Nancy was engaged in writing her three best novels, The Pursuit of Love, Love in a Cold Climate and The Blessing...
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MACHIAVELLI'S LAWN - The Great Writer's Garden Companion
with Mark Crick Botanically-inspired author Mark Crick appeals to the green-thumb in all of us as he comes to discuss his new book Machiavelli's Lawn: The Great Writers' Garden Companion. For those of us who could use some literary inspiration in our outdoor domestic lives, Crick delivers a lecture on the gardening advice of great authors. From Sylvia Plath's struggles with autumn bulbs, to JD Salinger's helpful hints on growing from seed, Crick will be sure to have us laughing and begging for his gardening tips...
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with Max Egremont Siegfried Loraine Sassoon was an English poet, author and soldier. He is best know for his poems about the First World War which not only describe the horrors of the trenches, but satirise the patriotic pretensions of those who, in Sassoon's view, were responsible for the pointless deaths of millions. Egremont's talk investigates the life and work of this great war poet placing particular emphasis on the suffocating gloominess of the poet's postwar life...
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with Gustav Temple A master class for the modern gentleman including invaluable advice on vintage attire, trilby choice, sock suspenders, braces, 1930s and 1940s grooming, the best moustache wax, top hat and bowler... Gustav Temple, that louche, debonair and most exquisitely dressed editor of The Chap magazine, comes to the Last Tuesday Society to share his tips on living as an anarcho-dandy in the 21st century...
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CRYPTOZOOLOGY - On the Track of Unknown Animals
with Richard Freeman Cryptozoology refers to the search for animals which are considered to be legendary or otherwise nonexistent by the field of biology. Mongolian death worms, giant crested serpents and man-like apes ... As one of Britain's few cryptozoologists, Richard Freeman has searched for them all. In his lecture, Richard will be discussing what cryptozoology is and how it is studied, talking about his expeditions in search of hidden animals...
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With Doug Fishbone Artist Doug Fishbone will be performing one of his celebrated comic slide-show lectures, taking his audience on a journey through his mildly warped imagination. Illustrating his narration with hundreds of images downloaded from the internet, Fishbone has come up with a new and innovative form of story-telling that sits strangely at the crossroads between high and low, leading one critic to describe him as a “stand-up conceptual artist”...
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with Tim Knox Tim Knox tells the story of Sir John Soane (1753-1837), one of the greatest of all British architects. Born the son of a humble bricklayer, he rose - through hard work and professionalism, and an advantageous marriage – to eminence as architect of many of the most prestigious buildings of the Regency era, notably the Bank of England, a Neocloassical masterpiece which he called ‘the pride and boast of my life’...
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with Oliver Harris It was 1951 Mexico City when William S Burroughs, fledgling author and heroin addict, accidentally shot and killed his wife, Joan, in a drunken re-enactment of the story of William Tell. The experience sparked a creative awakening which produced masterpieces of Beat Generation literature such as “The Naked Lunch” and “The Soft Machine”...
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with Dr John Cussans John Cussans' talk "Bataille, Haiti and Vodou " discusses the influence of Haitian Vodou on the development of social psychopathology in Europe during the 19th century, from the theoretical legacy of Anton Mesmer, through Le Bon, Charcot and Freud, to the Revolutionary Surrealism of Georges Bataille and the Acephale group in the 1930s... Click here to listen to the podcast
with Geraldine Beskin The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a magical order active in Great Britain during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which practiced theurgy and spiritual development. It has been one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism... Click here to listen to the podcast